Video Wall System

Program Protocol for iSEMC VK Series


1-Communication Settings

Serial port communication

Baud rate: 115200 Check Digit: None Data bits: 8bit Stop bits: 1bit

2-Instruction Formats

2.1 [%=QNIP(CR)]

Query device IP address

2.2 [%=SNIP:a;b;c;d(CR)]

Change the device IP address to a.b.c.d For example: %=SNIP:192;168;1;100(CR)

2.3 [%=SCSV:a(CR)]

Save the scene, the scene number is a For example: %=SCSV:2(CR) // The current scene is saved as scene 2, and the value of scene number a is (1~32).

2.4 [%=SCLD:a(CR)]

Call the scene, the scene number is a For example: %=SCLD:2(CR) // Call scene 2, and the value of scene number a is (1~32).

2.5 [%=SCPI:a(CR)]

Set the scene polling interval to a For example: %=SCPI:60(CR) // The value of a is (10~99999) seconds.

2.6 [%=SCPL:a;b;c;d;e;f;g;h(CR)]

Select scene settings polling For example: %=SCPL:1;2;3;4;5;6;7;8(CR) // Up to 8 scenes can be selected. If only %= SCPL is entered, all valid scenes are polled.

2.7 [%=SCPS:a(CR)]

Switch scene polling, a is 1 (on) / 0 (off) For example: %=SCPS:1(CR)

2.8 [%=SOIS:a;b(CR)]

Switch all input source a windows to input source b For example: %=SOIS:1;2(CR)

2.9 [%=QGID(CR)]

Query the group number

2.10 [%=SGID:a(CR)]

Switch grouping to group a For example: %=SGID:1(CR) // The value of a is (1~4).

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